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5 Ways To Keep Clients Engaged


With the continuing landscape of uncertainty, travel marketing can feel like treading a hamster wheel, running in circles with little to show for it. While travel policies continue to ebb and flow, it's important to continue inspiring travel until booking behavior normalizes.

So how can you keep clients engaged while keeping your agency top of mind until they're ready to book? Here are five simple ways to reach travelers at multiple touchpoints.

1. Social Media
Put your business and brand in front of consumers where they spend the most time scrolling through inspirational content. Social media is the ideal platform for travel content due to its media-centric model; what better way to get someone excited about travel than showing them inspiring images of where their next getaway could be?

Pro Tip: If you have a special offer to entice them to book, feel free to share on social media, but refrain from being too sales-driven with the majority of your content.

2. High-Impact Flyers
Stay relevant and re-engage clients with attention-grabbing and informative content. Print or digital, whatever your preferred medium, this is a great way to share upcoming deals, travel updates, and destination or culturally inspired content, such as fun facts and recipes.

Pro Tip: Send clients travel-inspired recipes they can try making at home! They'll enjoy a global meal while dreaming of future getaways.

3. Email Marketing
Email has been proven to generate a higher ROI for marketers than any other channel, so don't leave this one off your list. Whether you're simply checking in with clients or sending them details about a trip you think they might enjoy, be sure to include email in your marketing mix.

Pro Tip: Be sure to utilize personalization in your emails for greater effectiveness.

5 Ways To Keep Clients Engaged

4. Direct Mail
With modern marketing shifting to digital-first campaigns, consumers are being flooded with promotional emails and it can be hard to stand out. An alternative that doesn't get as much attention anymore, but is just as effective and has a longer lifespan, is direct mail. Combine your direct mail campaign efforts with email marketing to see even greater results.

Pro Tip: Send digital greetings straight to your clients' doorstep. You'll continue building brand loyalty, showcase your thoughtfulness and stay top of mind for when they're ready to book.

5. Interactive Collateral
Try out some uncommon avenues, such as hosting an unforgettable virtual cruise night or gifting your clients with useful travel checklists and fun children’s activities for an interactive approach that's sure to keep you on their radar.

Pro Tip: Reach out to repeat clients with a virtual destination night. Tailor content to past booking behavior or introduce a new product they might be interested in — and don’t forget to follow up with them after the event.

5 Ways To Keep Clients Engaged

Despite its effectiveness, all of the above can require a lot of time, effort, and money to implement. That's why at Avoya, we've built a central library with all of these marketing resources for Avoya Network™ members to take advantage of. Turnkey, customizable assets are added weekly to the Avoya Marketing Resource Center™ in order to maximize marketing potential. Contact us today to learn more about these assets accessible at no additional cost and learn more about our ever-growing efforts to help you continue engaging clients.

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